About Dr. Mike Mango

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So far Dr. Mike Mango has created 78 blog entries.

Restore Your Confidence With Dental Implants

After suffering an accident resulting in a mouth trauma resulting in missing tooth or teeth, there is usually a desire to restore the smile to its original state. A patient will weigh their options and decide if dental implants are worth the effort and money. Before making any decisions regarding a cosmetic upgrade, patients should [...]

By |2019-10-09T06:31:57-04:00November 20th, 2012|Dental Implants|Comments Off on Restore Your Confidence With Dental Implants

Fixing a Grey Tooth

Children are always inflicting some sort of trauma on themselves through simple accidents. Accidents to the mouth and teeth can be anything from knocking teeth out to damaging the root. The damage to the root will cause a grey discoloration in the tooth. This grey tooth will stand out amongst all the other pearly whites. [...]

By |2018-05-19T10:51:01-04:00November 10th, 2012|Dentistry|Comments Off on Fixing a Grey Tooth

Steps to Take When a Tooth is Knocked Out

Children have dental accidents all time. Losing teeth is a part of life everybody must go through. As painful as it might be, parents can assure them that a replacement tooth will be coming shortly. The idea of losing a tooth is never that dramatic until we lose one that we know can’t be replaced [...]

By |2015-01-16T15:28:17-04:00October 25th, 2012|Dentistry|Comments Off on Steps to Take When a Tooth is Knocked Out

Impact of Diet on Oral Health

Our oral health will only be as good our diets allow. The foods we decide to eat, and how often we decide to eat them, can be the major contributing factors to oral health decline. This decline can be slow and go unnoticed for years, until it’s too late. The teeth and gums need to [...]

By |2015-01-16T15:28:17-04:00October 19th, 2012|Dentistry, Mouth Health|Comments Off on Impact of Diet on Oral Health

3 Worst Drinks For Staining Teeth

Teeth can suffer irreparable damage through a lack of proper care. Effective dental hygiene is a habit that should be formed as early as possible. Keeping teeth and gums strong and healthy is a skill that can’t be emphasized enough in our elementary schools. While good dental hygiene is needed to prevent oral decay, bacteria, [...]

By |2015-01-16T15:28:17-04:00October 12th, 2012|Dentistry|Comments Off on 3 Worst Drinks For Staining Teeth

Vitamin B12 as an Effective Therapy For Canker Sores

We often think of brushing and flossing as the extent of proper oral hygiene. The health of the mouth is more than just cavity-free teeth and healthy gums. Many people endure other troublesome outbreaks in the mouth like Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAS), better known as “canker sores”. Scientists have discovered very little in the way [...]

By |2015-01-16T15:28:18-04:00September 29th, 2012|Mouth Health|Comments Off on Vitamin B12 as an Effective Therapy For Canker Sores

Tooth Sensitivity: Causes and Solutions

The teeth are important for so many reasons, and should be protected like any other precious body part. Our oral hygiene may slip because we only consider them, as we need them, for eating, smiling, or even decorating. But our shiny new cars require more than the occasional car wash and detailing. They need oil [...]

By |2015-01-16T15:28:18-04:00September 28th, 2012|Sensitivity|Comments Off on Tooth Sensitivity: Causes and Solutions

Proper Ways to Brush Your Teeth

Who doesn't want clean, sparkly and healthy looking teeth?  It's so refreshing to see a clean, bright smile. Oral exams, cosmetic dentistry and even invisible braces can help achieve that.  But getting the smile of your dreams also takes work from you, including regular and thorough brushing. Frequency Step one, according to the American Dental [...]

By |2015-01-16T15:28:28-04:00July 18th, 2012|misc|Comments Off on Proper Ways to Brush Your Teeth

10 Reasons for Having Regular Checkups with Your Dentist

Dental checkups are often dreaded. But the payoffs for having regular checkups with your dentist are considerable, to your dental hygiene, dental health and to your wallet. This article outlines the 10 main reasons why we at Mango Dental and other dental experts recommend having regular checkups with your dentist. Regular Checkups Help Dentists Find [...]

By |2015-01-16T15:28:28-04:00April 12th, 2012|misc|Comments Off on 10 Reasons for Having Regular Checkups with Your Dentist

10 Easy Ways to Avoid Cavities

Ew.  Having cavities filled can be horrible, no matter how skilled your dentist and dental office.  And yet tooth decay, which causes cavities, is hard to avoid.  Tooth decay happens when food remains and builds up on the tooth creating bacteria that then turns into acids.  These acids combine with saliva and other bacteria to [...]

By |2015-01-16T15:28:28-04:00April 9th, 2012|misc|Comments Off on 10 Easy Ways to Avoid Cavities
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